Secure and transparent data storage
Безопасное и прозрачное хранение данных
DEXNode router
the storage is deployed on Dexnode Wi-Fi routers, which are installed by to the whole world
decentralized cloud storage IPFS
DEXNET token
DEXNode router holders constantly receive a DEXNET token for the node's presence on the network
DEXNET ecosystem
the smooth operation of each node and the entire ecosystem is ensured decentralized cloud storage
DEXNode роутер
хранилище развернуто на Wi-Fi роутерах Dexnode, которые установлены по всему миру
децентрализованное облачное хранилище IPFS
DEXNET токен
Держатели роутеров DEXNode постоянно получают токен DEXNET за присутствие ноды в сети
DEXNET экосистема
обеспечивается бесперебойная работа каждой ноды и всей экосистемы децентрализованного облачного хранилища
In a world where centralized data warehouses are at risk of hacker attacks of unauthorized access,
It is time to move to decentralized storage systems.
The concept of the complete absence of centralized servers, as well as the security and confidentiality of all information, thanks to the Dexnet network of physical nodes.
Information is stored and processed on distributed nodes that do not have a single point of failure. Each node plays an important role in ensuring data security and maintaining network performance.
clients on the network
Total volume
memory in Dexcloud
connected nodes in the network
Protect your files with innovative cloud storage DexCLOUD